Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. (Continuous hours)
Sat. 8.00 - 15.00
T. 0432 574163
All young patients are examined by an orthoptist who performs a number of tests in a fun and engaging manner to assess the muscles that move the eyes, fusional vergences, convergence and stereopsis.
The child is then checked by the ophthalmologist to complete the eyesight. If necessary, glasses and exercises are prescribed to be carried out at home or in the surgery and some tips are given to the parents.
It is important to examine children at 1 and 3 years of age to exclude the presence of congenital cataracts, congenital glaucoma or retinal tumours. Children around the age of 5 should be rechecked before starting school, as uncorrected visual or muscular defects can greatly interfere with learning at school.
The orthoptic examination is aimed at the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of visual disorders such as amblyopia, strabismus, diplopia, etc. In particular, it studies ocular motility, i.e. the joint action of the oculomotor muscles, muscular, innervational and sensory deficits affecting the visual apparatus. FUNDAMENTAL in paediatric age for the early diagnosis of abnormalities that may affect the regular development of visual function. In ADULT age, the orthoptist plays an important role in the rehabilitation of patients with motor and sensory deficits affecting the visual apparatus.
Salus Alpe Adria is a Private Healthcare Facility established to provide citizens with a timely and excellent healthcare service, offering a wide range of services for prevention, diagnosis and therapy.
Book an appointment via the appointment button on this page. We will contact you as soon as possible to provide further information and confirm your visit.
©Salus Alpe Adria s.r.l. 2020
- Aut. Sanitary No. 19 of 09/05/2013
- Prot. 46545/D/TAC as amended
- General Manager: David Veloccia
- Medical Director: Dr Stefano Lautieri
P.I. 02726460302
Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. non-stop
Saturday: 8:00-13:00
Telephone: 0432 574163