Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. (Continuous hours)
Sat. 8.00 - 15.00
T. 0432 574163
Aesthetic Surgery
Specialisation in Dermatology and Veneerology obtained on 06/11/2003 with grade 70/70 at the University of Udine.
PhD in 'Scienze e Tecnologie Cliniche' (Clinical Science and Technology) lasting three years, attached to the Dermatological Clinic of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Udine, awarded on 21/05/2007.
He has participated in several experiments of both topical and systemic drugs.
He has participated in numerous refresher courses, congresses, national and international seminars.
Curriculum of university studies and professional activities carried out in public or accredited private facilities:
Degree in Medicine and Surgery obtained on 23/07/1999 with a 100/110 grade at the University of Udine.
Medical Director and Specialist Dermatologist from 2007 to 2016.
Lecturer in Anatomy and Dermatology at the I.A.L. Friuli Venezia Giulia in the school years 2001/02, 2002/03 and 2005/06.
Scientific Responsible Dermatologist for Fastbrain Engineering for the Teledermica project since 2011.
It performs free-professional activity since April 2005.
Author of several publications in national and international scientific journals.
Author of numerous communications, reports and posters presented at national and international congresses.
Degree and habilitation:
Degree in Medicine and Surgery obtained on 23/07/1999 with a 100/110 grade at the University of Udine with discussion of the experimental thesis: "Epiluminescence observation of pigmented skin lesions. Evaluation of diagnostic criteria of malignancy." -Rapporteur Prof. Pasquale Patrone.
Qualified in Territorial Medical Emergency since 2006.
©Salus Alpe Adria s.r.l. 2020
- Aut. Sanitary No. 19 of 09/05/2013
- Prot. 46545/D/TAC as amended
- General Manager: David Veloccia
- Medical Director: Dr Stefano Lautieri
P.I. 02726460302
Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. non-stop
Saturday: 8:00-13:00
Telephone: 0432 574163