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Dr Marco Rivilli

Specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery

Dr Marco Rivilli
Plastic surgery
Tel. 333 8382474


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Postgraduate qualifications, lectureships, master's degrees, PhDs:

Postgraduate qualifications, lectureships, university masters, PhDs, etc:

Attendance at the Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Clinic of Prof. Pier Camillo Parodi.

Educational Training in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery at The Hospital Group in Dolan Park (Birmingham - England)

Specialist degree in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at the Clinic of Prof. Pier Camillo Parodi in Gemona del Friuli (University of Udine) with the thesis: 'Role of symmetry mastoplasties in postmastectomy and post-quadrantectomy breast reconstruction, analysis of case histories and review of the literature' (at the University of Udine, Plastic Surgery Clinic, 17.07.2014).

Curriculum of university studies and professional activities carried out in public or accredited private facilities:

Degree in Medicine and Surgery with Experimental Thesis: 'Regenerative Tissue Surgery: a fascinating challenge for Plastic Surgery in the 3rd millennium' (at the University of Udine15.10.2007).

More than 1,500 operations performed as 1st and 2nd operator in 5 years.

Degree and habilitation:

Degree in Medicine and Surgery

Curriculum of university studies and professional activities carried out in public or accredited private facilities:

Degree and habilitation:

Declaration of compliance with the guidelines issued by the Order:

The undersigned Dr. Marco Rivilli declares under his own responsibility that the information message contained in this website is issued in compliance with the guidelines approved by the FNOMCeO concerning the application of Articles 55, 56 and 57 of the New Code of Medical Ethics.