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Dr Dal Bò Davide

Dr Dal Bò Davide
Physiotherapy Osteopathy Posturology
Tel. 0432 574163


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Postgraduate qualifications, lectureships, master's degrees, PhDs:

University Master's degree at Osteopathic medicine - University of Verona.

Human Tecar Certified Operator - Certified Tecar operator since 2010.

Curriculum of university studies and professional activities carried out in public or accredited private facilities:

Degree in Physiotherapy at the Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 'Gervasutta' in Udine - Faculty of Medicine and Surgery University of Udine.

BSc in Biotechnology - University of Udine

Ordinary member AIFI - Italian Physiotherapists Association no. 35398.

Various courses and conferences (CME, continuing medical education) in which he participated from 2009 to 2018.

Diagnostic and therapeutic methodologies/main pathologies treated:

Physiotherapy and orthopaedic sports rehabilitation.

Physiotherapy and orthopaedic and sports rehabilitation.

Expert in treatment of musculoskeletal joint pain with manual and instrumental methods, osteopathic techniques and posturology. Ultrasound assessment.

Decades of experience in the Physiotherapy and manual therapy. Professional experience in the field of geriatric rehabilitation. Collaboration with dentists in the field of posturology at dental surgeries in Friuli. Treatment of competitive athletes (basketball and football) and professional dancers at local dance schools.

Ultrasound assessment.

Degree and habilitation: Degree in Physiotherapy at the Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 'Gervasutta' in Udine - Faculty of Medicine and Surgery University of Udine.

BSc in Biotechnology - University of Udine.

Curriculum of university studies and professional activities carried out in public or accredited private facilities:

Degree and habilitation:

Declaration of compliance with the guidelines issued by the Order:

The undersigned Dr. Dal Bò Davide declares under his own responsibility that the information message contained in this website is issued in compliance with the guidelines approved by the FNOMCeO concerning the application of Articles 55, 56 and 57 of the New Code of Medical Ethics.