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Dr. Mario Aviani


Dr. Mario Aviani
Tel. 0432 574163


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Postgraduate qualifications, lectureships, master's degrees, PhDs:

Postgraduate qualifications, lectureships, university masters, PhDs, etc:

Specialisation in Hyperbaric Medicine and the Underwater activities at the University of Chieti in 1996.

Specialisation in Anaesthesia-Resuscitation e Analgesic Therapy in November 1979.

Curriculum of university studies and professional activities carried out in public or accredited private facilities:

Degree  in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Trieste in February 1976.

In October 2015/2016 together with colleagues I did a short experience for the logistical and training organisation of Anaesthesia in the Mission Hospitals of Angal (northern Uganda) and Kayangoze (central Burundi).

worked as a resuscitator in the Helicopter service and subsequently in the'Automedica of Udine.

With the telluric event of May 1976 I started professional activityfirst in the tent cities, then at Udine Hospital in the Anaesthesia and Resuscitation Service.

Degree and habilitation:

Degree in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Trieste in February 1976.

In April qualification for the profession.

Curriculum of university studies and professional activities carried out in public or accredited private facilities:

Degree and habilitation:

Declaration of compliance with the guidelines issued by the Order:

The undersigned Dr. Mario Aviani declares under his own responsibility that the information message contained in this website is issued in compliance with the guidelines approved by the FNOMCeO concerning the application of Articles 55, 56 and 57 of the New Code of Medical Ethics.