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Dr. Roberto Spolaore


Dr. Roberto Spolaore
Tel. 0432 574163


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Postgraduate qualifications, lectureships, master's degrees, PhDs:

Postgraduate qualifications, lectureships, university masters, PhDs, etc:

Specialisation in Ophthalmology in Padua in 1980

Curriculum of university studies and professional activities carried out in public or accredited private facilities:

- Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Padua in 1976
- Head of Ophthalmology Giovanni XXIII Monastier Treatment Centre from 1986 to 1989.
- Medical Director of the Veneto-Vicenza Laser Ophthalmic Centre from 1996 to 2001.
- Assistant and Aide at the Ophthalmology Division O.C. in Conegliano from 1977 to 1986.
- He currently works as a freelancer.

Diagnostic and therapeutic methodologies/main pathologies treated:

- Retinal diagnostics
- Refractive surgery

Degree and habilitation:

Enrolled in the Treviso Register of Surgeons in 1977 no. 1610

Curriculum of university studies and professional activities carried out in public or accredited private facilities:

Degree and habilitation:

Declaration of compliance with the guidelines issued by the Order:

The undersigned Dr. Roberto Spolaore declares under his own responsibility that the information message contained in this website is issued in compliance with the guidelines approved by the FNOMCeO concerning the application of Articles 55, 56 and 57 of the New Code of Medical Ethics.